Rebuild General Practice: July newsletter


Hello all, 

Welcome to the July 2024 edition of the Rebuild General Practice newsletter.

This edition of the newsletter focuses on the collective action vote and a request for feedback on the campaign.

Below, you can catch up on the media coverage achieved around the collective action ballot, featuring many of our incredible GP spokespeople who highlighted their experiences behind the vote.

Please circulate this newsletter with colleagues and let them know that if they’d like to sign up to our mailing list, they can do so here: 

All the best, 

The Rebuild GP team 

Campaign activity: July 2024

Last week, the Rebuild campaign achieved significant media cut through in across broadcast, radio, online, and print, following the BMA collective action ballot.

Media was extremely engaged with this story and we were pleased to see so many grassroots GPs’ voices come to the forefront, sharing the truth behind the headlines.

We would like to thank all the GPs who took part in interviews and shared their powerful personal stories of working in general practice.

Highlights include op-eds in The Times and the Mirror, two BBC Breakfast appearances, an op-ed in the Guardian, as well as national and local radio appearances.

Coverage highlights:

Broadcast Thursday 1st August

Friday 2nd August


Your feedback

We are eager to hear your thoughts on the impact of the Rebuild General Practice campaign.

As we move into a new government and make plans for next year, your feedback is vital to making sure that the campaign is as impactful as possible and reflects your experiences of general practice.

We would be very grateful for any views that you are able to share with us.

You can find the survey here – it should take around five minutes to complete.  

Action you can take in July 2024

Meet your new MP

Now that the new Government is settling in, we are getting lots of requests for MP meetings and visit to GP surgeries.

Meeting with MPs will help the campaign to influence political conversation and policy decisions.

If you are a GP or LMC working in the following constituencies and would be interested in meeting your MP to share your experience of general practice, please let us know.

  • Sittingbourne and Sheppey (Westminster meeting)

  • Worthing West (Westminster meeting)

  • Lowestoft (surgery visit)

Write to your new MP

Write to your new MP

With 650 new and returning MPs being sworn into the House of Commons earlier this week, this presents a brand-new opportunity for political outreach for the Rebuild General Practice campaign. Over half of new MPs are new to their role and will be angling for causes to champion. That’s why we are asking you to get in touch with your MP – new or old – to ask them to meet with GPs to discuss how they can help in our mission to Rebuild.

Find out more at